Saturday 4 June 2016



On 2nd June 2016, I presented my adopted microbe which is Trichodesmium erythraeum. Before I presented my adopted microbe, I prepared a lot of reading from many sources. On the day, I gave all information to impress the audiences. 

Trichodesmium is a genus of cynobacteria which the only know diazotroph able to fix nitrogen on daylight under aerobic condition via photosynthesis. This species occurs as filaments about 20-200 cells which is visible to naked eyes. The most unique about this species is they will make a large colonies also call bloom that can lead to the discolorization of the ocean water. The famous ocean in the world called Red Sea is got it name from the die off of this bloom.

The others also have their own unique microbes from other genus such as fungi, bacteria, virus and fungi. I know a lot of microbes that I never ever heard before. This activity is very interesting as everyone introduce a type of microbe.